Dare Devil Display Works Signage
August 2023


Heat Bender
Wifi Standee

A standee created for Dare Devil Display (password changed, obviously).
The design was created with a white layer of ink printed under the shapes to make the final design opaque. For the wifi symbol, I used the company's delightful mascot, Kenny, for the base.
Along with the brand's red coloring, the wifi bars branch out from the standee to draw attention for those who need it. Combined, these aspects integrate with the office's signage and appeal seamlessly.
After the production team cut the PETG and printed the design, I used one of the heat bending tables to form the standee's finished shape.

Finished Wifi Standee post heat bending
Walmart Department Index

A 36" by 24", .80 PS Styrene poster detailing Walmart's departments of interest. This is used to help with short hand information. For example, a client needs a display for Pets and Supplies, and to make it easier to locate on a store's map or in documents, D8 is used in place of the full title. This makes it easier to locate and makes sure there is no confusion with department names.