July 2023
Physical Medium
Physical Medium
MoonRaker is the in-house product development team for Dare Devil Display Works.
To spice up our workflow, the design team held a competition to see what logos we could make for MoonRaker. The winning design would be cleaned up and used as the official team logo.
Our theme was simple: Cosmonaut Chimp!
The Chimp drawings were drafted using Adobe Photoshop. Once the shape of the logos were completed, they were moved to Adobe Illustrator where they could be cleaned up and made into proper vector art.
For the orange logo, I went with a simple design with a chimp that could serve as a minimalist self-insert: "Braving the unknown" to develop products such as Zabi! Orange was used as an offshoot from Dare Devil's primary color: red. The orange letters spell out "MONKE" as a secret people could discover on their own.
The Rocket Ship logo was developed to match Dare Devil Display's playful and exciting branding. I chose blue for this logo to help give the MoonRaker team their own identity. Blue is the color of trust and I feel the team should have a sense of confidence with the products they develop. The thick line's at the top of the rocket give it a weight and sense of motion.
Always climbing to greater heights!
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