Self Portraits
October 31, 2017–February 21, 2022
Physical Mediums
Physical Mediums
February 2022: Peel My Layers
Through my life, I have discovered a love for storytelling and illustration. This self portrait was created with the visual inspiration of Junji Ito, renowned horror artist and author.
In my late teens to early twenties, people would see me as intimidating. I had an issue expressing myself outwardly. Since then, I have made leaps and bounds in being more open with my bubbly thoughts and cartoonish personality.
This piece depicts that “coming out of my shell” moment. Leaving behind my social anxieties and embracing who I want to be on the inside and outside—Letting my colorful personality ooze to the surface.
The multiple hands helping release me from my dour shell represent those who have broken free from their mental shackles and thus encouraging me to do the same.

October 2021: Painterly Self Portraits
Style: Paul Cezanne
Style: Paul Cezanne
Style: Roy Lichtenstein
Style: Roy Lichtenstein
These portraits, created in Photoshop, are style studies of two famous artists: Paul Cezanne and Roy Lichtenstein. 
This project allowed me to learn new skills in Photoshop using different styles and settings for brushes.
October 31–November 16, 2017: Charcoal Portrait
My first self portrait. This was the first step to creating model-accurate drawings.
The outline of this self portrait was made with graphite and the actual pigments were made of charcoal and blended using stumps.
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